
Friday, April 25, 2014

DIY: Torch Bottles

For years I used to collect old liquor bottles, as many of them have such a unique design and color that it was too hard for me to part with them... I love to use them as candle holders or to store on them my handmade liquors, juices & flavored olive oil with mediterranean herbs. I use to make every year my own limoncello, lemonade & flavor virgin olive oil from our family olive groves with fresh cut herbs from my mini balcony garden
Today, I discovered a new inspired way to repurpose my empty liquor bottles... I am so enthusiastic with the idea of turning them to torch bottles! I find it such a lovely decorative item for our balconies which will accompanies our Spring and Summer warm nights... You can find a how to do it tutorial on Sugar & Charm. Try it, it's so easy!!!

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